Saturday, October 11, 2003
Fix Canada
Fix Canada
This could be the legacy of what Chretien did not change while in office. Canada is a country with a muffled cry for change. It is also a country controlled by socialist/Liberals dedicated to maintaining the status quo with a propaganda machine that would make Joseph Goebbels cringe. Canadian Liberal politicians presently forbid any constitutional changes.
Canada, in reality is a dysfunctional dictatorship where democracy is an illusion. Canadians do not elect their prime minister. He/she is only elected leader of a political party by the members of that party. Canadians are merely observers.
Canadians do not elect their governor generals. He/she is chosen by the unelected prime minister. Canadians do not elect their senators -- appointed for life (Until 75 or die) by the same unelected prime minister. Canadians do not question their appointed Supreme Court judges who may indeed have many hidden prejudices and special interests -- feminism, homosexuality, prisoners rights etc. These are the same people, dressed up like bishops, who change -- and therefore make -- more Canadian laws than parliament.
Canadians need a Constitution for Tomorrow Conference and soon. The Liberals will delay this forever because of what happened to Mulroney at Meeche and Charlottetown when he and Joe Clark attempted to amend the constitution. Both Mulroney and Clark wanted an updated version of the present Trudeau/Chretien Charter and to give even more rights to Quebec and every feminist and left wing group in town. Constitutions should not be written to cull partisan votes from special-interest groups and Canada should not be held to ransom by Quebec separatists.
1. This constitutional conference should be held in a small town in a remote place in the West -- away from the central-Canada pressures (Quebec with $5.5 billion in equalization (welfare) payments annually) and away from the have-not Atlantic Provinces.
2. It should be run in the belief that if we don't get it right this time, Canada could eventually join the US, all together or one province at a time. This has many positive and many negative factors. Both cultures -- except for Quebec -- are identical. Canadian soldiers fought beside US soldiers in WW1, WW2, Korea, Gulf War (1), Balkans and Afghanistan. Unfortunately PM Chretien refused to help out in Gulf War (2) to ensure his legacy will be that of a coward. Canadian Liberal politicians attempt to hide in the policies of the United Nations which are, at this point in time, anti US. Canadian politicians should look at the world from Canada -- not from a UN building. Global issues have arrived with the international global economy, which cannot be hidden under a sea of constant Liberal/socialist and UN propaganda. It's the Canadian economy that should be uppermost in our politicians' minds -- not distant UN policies in faraway places.
3. Special-interest groups, lobby groups, unionists and federal bureaucrats should have no input into this new constitution.
4. It should be a constitution for Canada and Canadians --not an international Charter for "everyone" in the world, as per the present Trudeau-Chretien Charter and loved by all international socialists at the UN -- the reason why Canada is chock a block with illegal refugees.
5. All aboriginals living in Canada should be recognized as Canadians (They are not now.)
6. The present Charter which Quebec refused to sign and which gives special rights to special people should be abandoned.
7. All Canadians -- not everyone in the world -- should be equal before the law and their governments. (Not now.)
Property Rights
8. Canadians should have property rights in their Constitution, anywhere in Canada and should not be deprived of property without proper and legal compensation. (Not now.)
9. Canadians should have the right to sell their property to anyone they want when they want.
Supreme Court
10. Appointees to the Supreme Court should be questioned by provincial appointees about their competence and prejudices prior to taking up their appointments on the bench. These provincial delegates should have the power to turn down these appointees with reason.
11 Supreme Court decisions should be based on common law and case law -- not the by what they see in the tea leaves of the, by then abandoned Trudeau Charter, which gave special rights to special groups.
12. All immigration, as in Quebec and Switzerland, should be a provincial or municipal issue.
13. Illegal immigrants should be kept in custody until they are deported as soon as possible. This should not require lawyers and courtroom appearances.
14. New immigrants (With a 5-year wait for Canadian citizenship) who are convicted of any criminal offence should be deported immediately or on completion of their jail sentence. Illegal immigrants who have been deported and return again should receive a mandatory 10-year prison sentence and again deported.
15. Canada should have a ten-year moratorium on immigration. No more acceptance of refugees or terrorists unless each individual case is presented and discussed in open parliament.
Canadian Political System
16. All elections should be by date. All elections, federal, provincial and municipal, should be held on a specified date, at the same time.
17 The prime minister should have term limits of two terms in office.
18. All federal politicians should have fixed terms in office -- no more than two terms in any political office -- no more Chretiens, Saddams, Castros or Mugabes. No more attempts to stall the system and be prime minister for life.
19. Politicians who, having served two terms in office, will not subsequently be allowed to hold a position within government administration or a position in a private sector directly dealing with the government.
20. The Canadian Senate should be a triple E Senate -- equal, 2 from each province, effective and elected.
21. The presently appointed governor general should be elected at federal elections.
22. All Canadians should be allowed to vote for the person who wants to be prime minister of Canada -- not just his friends in his political party.
23. All Canadians, like Australians, should be required to vote or pay an additional tax.
24. The present first past the post voting system should be replaced by a system of proportional representation. With this system the majority of Canadians would be represented in parliament -- not the majority Liberals who only represent less than one in four Canadians -- 41% of the 61% who bothered to vote.
25. Canadians should have binding referendums when a specified number of signatures can be achieved.
26. An issue on a referendum that fails should not be allowed on another referendum for 10 years.
27. Canadians should be allowed a binding referendum to dump the prime minister if enough signatures can be achieved.
28. Politicians whose conduct is under investigation should be sent subpoenas -- not an invitation as Chretien received from the APEC inquiry. Their own appointees should not investigate politicians, who are under investigation because of conflict of interest, whether it is an Ethics Commissioner or an RCMP Commissioner. This is what happened at the Shawinigan shenanigans.
29. The RCMP Commissioner should be appointed by a committee of provincial delegates not the prime minister, who's ethics and criminal activity may be under investigation.
30. The Nation debt -- $600 billion and counting should be reduced to zero.
31. All government budgets should be balanced.
32. The government should have tax-and-expenditure limits. MPs or a prime minister who fail in this category should have their own salaries reduced by a set amount.
33. The Canadian dollar should be par with the US dollar or the US dollar should be adapted as Canadian currency.
34. Mulroney's GST should be cancelled.
35. All taxes should be collected by provincial governments who should then send a cheque to Ottawa to support the much-reduced Ottawa government.
36. Special treatment for special provinces should be abandoned.
37. Canadians need to know the vast number of taxpayer-funded travels of all politicians and bureaucrats outside Canada information now denied.
38. All elected officials in Canada, their appointees and bureaucrats, should only leave Canada for designated and preplanned international conferences -- no more constant junkets that are hidden by the Access Act.
39. The itineraries of politicians should be available to the public at all times.
40. Travel allowances for MPs should only be within Canada and should only include the MP himself. This travel should be at the most economical rate.
41. Canadians should have a flat tax. All Canadians, rich and poor, should be taxed at the same rate.
42. All foreign aid, either loans or grants, should be passed in parliament each time for each and every handout.
43. All grants to special interest groups should be directly through parliament and receive public scrutiny each and every time. All money directed to special foundations in order to indirectly fund special-interest causes, should be brought before parliament.
Reduced Federalism
44. Approximately 90% of the federal civil service should be abandoned or downloaded to provincial governments. The number of MPs should be reduced by 50%. HRDC, CIDA, EDC and the Ministry of Culture should be abolished immediately.
45. The issue of bilingualism, Francophonie and multiculturalism, should be put the people in the form of a binding referendum question.
46. Members of Parliament must be allowed to represent their constituents not the present system where they are merely trained seals in the guise of parliamentarians.
47. All votes in parliament should be free votes. The needs of constituents should be uppermost.
48. Pay and perks of politicians in office should be equal to lower management in the private sector.
49. MPs should be taxed at the same exorbitant level as other Canadians for all income.
Access to Information
50. Canadians should have access to all government information other than restricted defense information.
51. The daily whereabouts of all MPs should be published on the Internet.
52. All foreign travel of all MPs and the reason, should be discussed in parliament.
53. The names of MPs absent from parliament and the reason, should be published each day.
What you see should be what you get
54. The TV camera in Parliament should be allowed to show the whole picture not just the 3 or 4 MPs strategically situated in front and behind the one speaking.
55. A simple and easy amendment formula of the constitution should be worked out 3 provinces 25% of Canadians which cannot be blocked by federal politicians opposed to changes. A mandatory review of the constitution should be held every ten years on a set date.
56. The new and amended Canadian constitution should be put to all Canadians in the form of a binding referendum. The Queen, as in the present Charter, should be told to sign it.
Let me know if you see any of these changes within the next 20 years. I just hope I'm still alive. With a bit of luck I may be.
This could be the legacy of what Chretien did not change while in office. Canada is a country with a muffled cry for change. It is also a country controlled by socialist/Liberals dedicated to maintaining the status quo with a propaganda machine that would make Joseph Goebbels cringe. Canadian Liberal politicians presently forbid any constitutional changes.
Canada, in reality is a dysfunctional dictatorship where democracy is an illusion. Canadians do not elect their prime minister. He/she is only elected leader of a political party by the members of that party. Canadians are merely observers.
Canadians do not elect their governor generals. He/she is chosen by the unelected prime minister. Canadians do not elect their senators -- appointed for life (Until 75 or die) by the same unelected prime minister. Canadians do not question their appointed Supreme Court judges who may indeed have many hidden prejudices and special interests -- feminism, homosexuality, prisoners rights etc. These are the same people, dressed up like bishops, who change -- and therefore make -- more Canadian laws than parliament.
Canadians need a Constitution for Tomorrow Conference and soon. The Liberals will delay this forever because of what happened to Mulroney at Meeche and Charlottetown when he and Joe Clark attempted to amend the constitution. Both Mulroney and Clark wanted an updated version of the present Trudeau/Chretien Charter and to give even more rights to Quebec and every feminist and left wing group in town. Constitutions should not be written to cull partisan votes from special-interest groups and Canada should not be held to ransom by Quebec separatists.
1. This constitutional conference should be held in a small town in a remote place in the West -- away from the central-Canada pressures (Quebec with $5.5 billion in equalization (welfare) payments annually) and away from the have-not Atlantic Provinces.
2. It should be run in the belief that if we don't get it right this time, Canada could eventually join the US, all together or one province at a time. This has many positive and many negative factors. Both cultures -- except for Quebec -- are identical. Canadian soldiers fought beside US soldiers in WW1, WW2, Korea, Gulf War (1), Balkans and Afghanistan. Unfortunately PM Chretien refused to help out in Gulf War (2) to ensure his legacy will be that of a coward. Canadian Liberal politicians attempt to hide in the policies of the United Nations which are, at this point in time, anti US. Canadian politicians should look at the world from Canada -- not from a UN building. Global issues have arrived with the international global economy, which cannot be hidden under a sea of constant Liberal/socialist and UN propaganda. It's the Canadian economy that should be uppermost in our politicians' minds -- not distant UN policies in faraway places.
3. Special-interest groups, lobby groups, unionists and federal bureaucrats should have no input into this new constitution.
4. It should be a constitution for Canada and Canadians --not an international Charter for "everyone" in the world, as per the present Trudeau-Chretien Charter and loved by all international socialists at the UN -- the reason why Canada is chock a block with illegal refugees.
5. All aboriginals living in Canada should be recognized as Canadians (They are not now.)
6. The present Charter which Quebec refused to sign and which gives special rights to special people should be abandoned.
7. All Canadians -- not everyone in the world -- should be equal before the law and their governments. (Not now.)
Property Rights
8. Canadians should have property rights in their Constitution, anywhere in Canada and should not be deprived of property without proper and legal compensation. (Not now.)
9. Canadians should have the right to sell their property to anyone they want when they want.
Supreme Court
10. Appointees to the Supreme Court should be questioned by provincial appointees about their competence and prejudices prior to taking up their appointments on the bench. These provincial delegates should have the power to turn down these appointees with reason.
11 Supreme Court decisions should be based on common law and case law -- not the by what they see in the tea leaves of the, by then abandoned Trudeau Charter, which gave special rights to special groups.
12. All immigration, as in Quebec and Switzerland, should be a provincial or municipal issue.
13. Illegal immigrants should be kept in custody until they are deported as soon as possible. This should not require lawyers and courtroom appearances.
14. New immigrants (With a 5-year wait for Canadian citizenship) who are convicted of any criminal offence should be deported immediately or on completion of their jail sentence. Illegal immigrants who have been deported and return again should receive a mandatory 10-year prison sentence and again deported.
15. Canada should have a ten-year moratorium on immigration. No more acceptance of refugees or terrorists unless each individual case is presented and discussed in open parliament.
Canadian Political System
16. All elections should be by date. All elections, federal, provincial and municipal, should be held on a specified date, at the same time.
17 The prime minister should have term limits of two terms in office.
18. All federal politicians should have fixed terms in office -- no more than two terms in any political office -- no more Chretiens, Saddams, Castros or Mugabes. No more attempts to stall the system and be prime minister for life.
19. Politicians who, having served two terms in office, will not subsequently be allowed to hold a position within government administration or a position in a private sector directly dealing with the government.
20. The Canadian Senate should be a triple E Senate -- equal, 2 from each province, effective and elected.
21. The presently appointed governor general should be elected at federal elections.
22. All Canadians should be allowed to vote for the person who wants to be prime minister of Canada -- not just his friends in his political party.
23. All Canadians, like Australians, should be required to vote or pay an additional tax.
24. The present first past the post voting system should be replaced by a system of proportional representation. With this system the majority of Canadians would be represented in parliament -- not the majority Liberals who only represent less than one in four Canadians -- 41% of the 61% who bothered to vote.
25. Canadians should have binding referendums when a specified number of signatures can be achieved.
26. An issue on a referendum that fails should not be allowed on another referendum for 10 years.
27. Canadians should be allowed a binding referendum to dump the prime minister if enough signatures can be achieved.
28. Politicians whose conduct is under investigation should be sent subpoenas -- not an invitation as Chretien received from the APEC inquiry. Their own appointees should not investigate politicians, who are under investigation because of conflict of interest, whether it is an Ethics Commissioner or an RCMP Commissioner. This is what happened at the Shawinigan shenanigans.
29. The RCMP Commissioner should be appointed by a committee of provincial delegates not the prime minister, who's ethics and criminal activity may be under investigation.
30. The Nation debt -- $600 billion and counting should be reduced to zero.
31. All government budgets should be balanced.
32. The government should have tax-and-expenditure limits. MPs or a prime minister who fail in this category should have their own salaries reduced by a set amount.
33. The Canadian dollar should be par with the US dollar or the US dollar should be adapted as Canadian currency.
34. Mulroney's GST should be cancelled.
35. All taxes should be collected by provincial governments who should then send a cheque to Ottawa to support the much-reduced Ottawa government.
36. Special treatment for special provinces should be abandoned.
37. Canadians need to know the vast number of taxpayer-funded travels of all politicians and bureaucrats outside Canada information now denied.
38. All elected officials in Canada, their appointees and bureaucrats, should only leave Canada for designated and preplanned international conferences -- no more constant junkets that are hidden by the Access Act.
39. The itineraries of politicians should be available to the public at all times.
40. Travel allowances for MPs should only be within Canada and should only include the MP himself. This travel should be at the most economical rate.
41. Canadians should have a flat tax. All Canadians, rich and poor, should be taxed at the same rate.
42. All foreign aid, either loans or grants, should be passed in parliament each time for each and every handout.
43. All grants to special interest groups should be directly through parliament and receive public scrutiny each and every time. All money directed to special foundations in order to indirectly fund special-interest causes, should be brought before parliament.
Reduced Federalism
44. Approximately 90% of the federal civil service should be abandoned or downloaded to provincial governments. The number of MPs should be reduced by 50%. HRDC, CIDA, EDC and the Ministry of Culture should be abolished immediately.
45. The issue of bilingualism, Francophonie and multiculturalism, should be put the people in the form of a binding referendum question.
46. Members of Parliament must be allowed to represent their constituents not the present system where they are merely trained seals in the guise of parliamentarians.
47. All votes in parliament should be free votes. The needs of constituents should be uppermost.
48. Pay and perks of politicians in office should be equal to lower management in the private sector.
49. MPs should be taxed at the same exorbitant level as other Canadians for all income.
Access to Information
50. Canadians should have access to all government information other than restricted defense information.
51. The daily whereabouts of all MPs should be published on the Internet.
52. All foreign travel of all MPs and the reason, should be discussed in parliament.
53. The names of MPs absent from parliament and the reason, should be published each day.
What you see should be what you get
54. The TV camera in Parliament should be allowed to show the whole picture not just the 3 or 4 MPs strategically situated in front and behind the one speaking.
55. A simple and easy amendment formula of the constitution should be worked out 3 provinces 25% of Canadians which cannot be blocked by federal politicians opposed to changes. A mandatory review of the constitution should be held every ten years on a set date.
56. The new and amended Canadian constitution should be put to all Canadians in the form of a binding referendum. The Queen, as in the present Charter, should be told to sign it.
Let me know if you see any of these changes within the next 20 years. I just hope I'm still alive. With a bit of luck I may be.
Fix Canada
This could be the legacy of what Chretien did not change while in office. Canada is a country with a muffled cry for change. It is also a country controlled by socialist/Liberals dedicated to maintaining the status quo with a propaganda machine that would make Joseph Goebbels cringe. Canadian Liberal politicians presently forbid any constitutional changes.
Canada, in reality is a dysfunctional dictatorship where democracy is an illusion. Canadians do not elect their prime minister. He/she is only elected leader of a political party by the members of that party. Canadians are merely observers.
Canadians do not elect their governor generals. He/she is chosen by the unelected prime minister. Canadians do not elect their senators -- appointed for life (Until 75 or die) by the same unelected prime minister. Canadians do not question their appointed Supreme Court judges who may indeed have many hidden prejudices and special interests -- feminism, homosexuality, prisoners rights etc. These are the same people, dressed up like bishops, who change -- and therefore make -- more Canadian laws than parliament.
Canadians need a Constitution for Tomorrow Conference and soon. The Liberals will delay this forever because of what happened to Mulroney at Meeche and Charlottetown when he and Joe Clark attempted to amend the constitution. Both Mulroney and Clark wanted an updated version of the present Trudeau/Chretien Charter and to give even more rights to Quebec and every feminist and left wing group in town. Constitutions should not be written to cull partisan votes from special-interest groups and Canada should not be held to ransom by Quebec separatists.
1. This constitutional conference should be held in a small town in a remote place in the West -- away from the central-Canada pressures (Quebec with $5.5 billion in equalization (welfare) payments annually) and away from the have-not Atlantic Provinces.
2. It should be run in the belief that if we don't get it right this time, Canada could eventually join the US, all together or one province at a time. This has many positive and many negative factors. Both cultures -- except for Quebec -- are identical. Canadian soldiers fought beside US soldiers in WW1, WW2, Korea, Gulf War (1), Balkans and Afghanistan. Unfortunately PM Chretien refused to help out in Gulf War (2) to ensure his legacy will be that of a coward. Canadian Liberal politicians attempt to hide in the policies of the United Nations which are, at this point in time, anti US. Canadian politicians should look at the world from Canada -- not from a UN building. Global issues have arrived with the international global economy, which cannot be hidden under a sea of constant Liberal/socialist and UN propaganda. It's the Canadian economy that should be uppermost in our politicians' minds -- not distant UN policies in faraway places.
3. Special-interest groups, lobby groups, unionists and federal bureaucrats should have no input into this new constitution.
4. It should be a constitution for Canada and Canadians --not an international Charter for "everyone" in the world, as per the present Trudeau-Chretien Charter and loved by all international socialists at the UN -- the reason why Canada is chock a block with illegal refugees.
5. All aboriginals living in Canada should be recognized as Canadians (They are not now.)
6. The present Charter which Quebec refused to sign and which gives special rights to special people should be abandoned.
7. All Canadians -- not everyone in the world -- should be equal before the law and their governments. (Not now.)
Property Rights
8. Canadians should have property rights in their Constitution, anywhere in Canada and should not be deprived of property without proper and legal compensation. (Not now.)
9. Canadians should have the right to sell their property to anyone they want when they want.
Supreme Court
10. Appointees to the Supreme Court should be questioned by provincial appointees about their competence and prejudices prior to taking up their appointments on the bench. These provincial delegates should have the power to turn down these appointees with reason.
11 Supreme Court decisions should be based on common law and case law -- not the by what they see in the tea leaves of the, by then abandoned Trudeau Charter, which gave special rights to special groups.
12. All immigration, as in Quebec and Switzerland, should be a provincial or municipal issue.
13. Illegal immigrants should be kept in custody until they are deported as soon as possible. This should not require lawyers and courtroom appearances.
14. New immigrants (With a 5-year wait for Canadian citizenship) who are convicted of any criminal offence should be deported immediately or on completion of their jail sentence. Illegal immigrants who have been deported and return again should receive a mandatory 10-year prison sentence and again deported.
15. Canada should have a ten-year moratorium on immigration. No more acceptance of refugees or terrorists unless each individual case is presented and discussed in open parliament.
Canadian Political System
16. All elections should be by date. All elections, federal, provincial and municipal, should be held on a specified date, at the same time.
17 The prime minister should have term limits of two terms in office.
18. All federal politicians should have fixed terms in office -- no more than two terms in any political office -- no more Chretiens, Saddams, Castros or Mugabes. No more attempts to stall the system and be prime minister for life.
19. Politicians who, having served two terms in office, will not subsequently be allowed to hold a position within government administration or a position in a private sector directly dealing with the government.
20. The Canadian Senate should be a triple E Senate -- equal, 2 from each province, effective and elected.
21. The presently appointed governor general should be elected at federal elections.
22. All Canadians should be allowed to vote for the person who wants to be prime minister of Canada -- not just his friends in his political party.
23. All Canadians, like Australians, should be required to vote or pay an additional tax.
24. The present first past the post voting system should be replaced by a system of proportional representation. With this system the majority of Canadians would be represented in parliament -- not the majority Liberals who only represent less than one in four Canadians -- 41% of the 61% who bothered to vote.
25. Canadians should have binding referendums when a specified number of signatures can be achieved.
26. An issue on a referendum that fails should not be allowed on another referendum for 10 years.
27. Canadians should be allowed a binding referendum to dump the prime minister if enough signatures can be achieved.
28. Politicians whose conduct is under investigation should be sent subpoenas -- not an invitation as Chretien received from the APEC inquiry. Their own appointees should not investigate politicians, who are under investigation because of conflict of interest, whether it is an Ethics Commissioner or an RCMP Commissioner. This is what happened at the Shawinigan shenanigans.
29. The RCMP Commissioner should be appointed by a committee of provincial delegates not the prime minister, who's ethics and criminal activity may be under investigation.
30. The Nation debt -- $600 billion and counting should be reduced to zero.
31. All government budgets should be balanced.
32. The government should have tax-and-expenditure limits. MPs or a prime minister who fail in this category should have their own salaries reduced by a set amount.
33. The Canadian dollar should be par with the US dollar or the US dollar should be adapted as Canadian currency.
34. Mulroney's GST should be cancelled.
35. All taxes should be collected by provincial governments who should then send a cheque to Ottawa to support the much-reduced Ottawa government.
36. Special treatment for special provinces should be abandoned.
37. Canadians need to know the vast number of taxpayer-funded travels of all politicians and bureaucrats outside Canada information now denied.
38. All elected officials in Canada, their appointees and bureaucrats, should only leave Canada for designated and preplanned international conferences -- no more constant junkets that are hidden by the Access Act.
39. The itineraries of politicians should be available to the public at all times.
40. Travel allowances for MPs should only be within Canada and should only include the MP himself. This travel should be at the most economical rate.
41. Canadians should have a flat tax. All Canadians, rich and poor, should be taxed at the same rate.
42. All foreign aid, either loans or grants, should be passed in parliament each time for each and every handout.
43. All grants to special interest groups should be directly through parliament and receive public scrutiny each and every time. All money directed to special foundations in order to indirectly fund special-interest causes, should be brought before parliament.
Reduced Federalism
44. Approximately 90% of the federal civil service should be abandoned or downloaded to provincial governments. The number of MPs should be reduced by 50%. HRDC, CIDA, EDC and the Ministry of Culture should be abolished immediately.
45. The issue of bilingualism, Francophonie and multiculturalism, should be put the people in the form of a binding referendum question.
46. Members of Parliament must be allowed to represent their constituents not the present system where they are merely trained seals in the guise of parliamentarians.
47. All votes in parliament should be free votes. The needs of constituents should be uppermost.
48. Pay and perks of politicians in office should be equal to lower management in the private sector.
49. MPs should be taxed at the same exorbitant level as other Canadians for all income.
Access to Information
50. Canadians should have access to all government information other than restricted defense information.
51. The daily whereabouts of all MPs should be published on the Internet.
52. All foreign travel of all MPs and the reason, should be discussed in parliament.
53. The names of MPs absent from parliament and the reason, should be published each day.
What you see should be what you get
54. The TV camera in Parliament should be allowed to show the whole picture not just the 3 or 4 MPs strategically situated in front and behind the one speaking.
55. A simple and easy amendment formula of the constitution should be worked out 3 provinces 25% of Canadians which cannot be blocked by federal politicians opposed to changes. A mandatory review of the constitution should be held every ten years on a set date.
56. The new and amended Canadian constitution should be put to all Canadians in the form of a binding referendum. The Queen, as in the present Charter, should be told to sign it.
Let me know if you see any of these changes within the next 20 years. I just hope I'm still alive. With a bit of luck I may be.
This could be the legacy of what Chretien did not change while in office. Canada is a country with a muffled cry for change. It is also a country controlled by socialist/Liberals dedicated to maintaining the status quo with a propaganda machine that would make Joseph Goebbels cringe. Canadian Liberal politicians presently forbid any constitutional changes.
Canada, in reality is a dysfunctional dictatorship where democracy is an illusion. Canadians do not elect their prime minister. He/she is only elected leader of a political party by the members of that party. Canadians are merely observers.
Canadians do not elect their governor generals. He/she is chosen by the unelected prime minister. Canadians do not elect their senators -- appointed for life (Until 75 or die) by the same unelected prime minister. Canadians do not question their appointed Supreme Court judges who may indeed have many hidden prejudices and special interests -- feminism, homosexuality, prisoners rights etc. These are the same people, dressed up like bishops, who change -- and therefore make -- more Canadian laws than parliament.
Canadians need a Constitution for Tomorrow Conference and soon. The Liberals will delay this forever because of what happened to Mulroney at Meeche and Charlottetown when he and Joe Clark attempted to amend the constitution. Both Mulroney and Clark wanted an updated version of the present Trudeau/Chretien Charter and to give even more rights to Quebec and every feminist and left wing group in town. Constitutions should not be written to cull partisan votes from special-interest groups and Canada should not be held to ransom by Quebec separatists.
1. This constitutional conference should be held in a small town in a remote place in the West -- away from the central-Canada pressures (Quebec with $5.5 billion in equalization (welfare) payments annually) and away from the have-not Atlantic Provinces.
2. It should be run in the belief that if we don't get it right this time, Canada could eventually join the US, all together or one province at a time. This has many positive and many negative factors. Both cultures -- except for Quebec -- are identical. Canadian soldiers fought beside US soldiers in WW1, WW2, Korea, Gulf War (1), Balkans and Afghanistan. Unfortunately PM Chretien refused to help out in Gulf War (2) to ensure his legacy will be that of a coward. Canadian Liberal politicians attempt to hide in the policies of the United Nations which are, at this point in time, anti US. Canadian politicians should look at the world from Canada -- not from a UN building. Global issues have arrived with the international global economy, which cannot be hidden under a sea of constant Liberal/socialist and UN propaganda. It's the Canadian economy that should be uppermost in our politicians' minds -- not distant UN policies in faraway places.
3. Special-interest groups, lobby groups, unionists and federal bureaucrats should have no input into this new constitution.
4. It should be a constitution for Canada and Canadians --not an international Charter for "everyone" in the world, as per the present Trudeau-Chretien Charter and loved by all international socialists at the UN -- the reason why Canada is chock a block with illegal refugees.
5. All aboriginals living in Canada should be recognized as Canadians (They are not now.)
6. The present Charter which Quebec refused to sign and which gives special rights to special people should be abandoned.
7. All Canadians -- not everyone in the world -- should be equal before the law and their governments. (Not now.)
Property Rights
8. Canadians should have property rights in their Constitution, anywhere in Canada and should not be deprived of property without proper and legal compensation. (Not now.)
9. Canadians should have the right to sell their property to anyone they want when they want.
Supreme Court
10. Appointees to the Supreme Court should be questioned by provincial appointees about their competence and prejudices prior to taking up their appointments on the bench. These provincial delegates should have the power to turn down these appointees with reason.
11 Supreme Court decisions should be based on common law and case law -- not the by what they see in the tea leaves of the, by then abandoned Trudeau Charter, which gave special rights to special groups.
12. All immigration, as in Quebec and Switzerland, should be a provincial or municipal issue.
13. Illegal immigrants should be kept in custody until they are deported as soon as possible. This should not require lawyers and courtroom appearances.
14. New immigrants (With a 5-year wait for Canadian citizenship) who are convicted of any criminal offence should be deported immediately or on completion of their jail sentence. Illegal immigrants who have been deported and return again should receive a mandatory 10-year prison sentence and again deported.
15. Canada should have a ten-year moratorium on immigration. No more acceptance of refugees or terrorists unless each individual case is presented and discussed in open parliament.
Canadian Political System
16. All elections should be by date. All elections, federal, provincial and municipal, should be held on a specified date, at the same time.
17 The prime minister should have term limits of two terms in office.
18. All federal politicians should have fixed terms in office -- no more than two terms in any political office -- no more Chretiens, Saddams, Castros or Mugabes. No more attempts to stall the system and be prime minister for life.
19. Politicians who, having served two terms in office, will not subsequently be allowed to hold a position within government administration or a position in a private sector directly dealing with the government.
20. The Canadian Senate should be a triple E Senate -- equal, 2 from each province, effective and elected.
21. The presently appointed governor general should be elected at federal elections.
22. All Canadians should be allowed to vote for the person who wants to be prime minister of Canada -- not just his friends in his political party.
23. All Canadians, like Australians, should be required to vote or pay an additional tax.
24. The present first past the post voting system should be replaced by a system of proportional representation. With this system the majority of Canadians would be represented in parliament -- not the majority Liberals who only represent less than one in four Canadians -- 41% of the 61% who bothered to vote.
25. Canadians should have binding referendums when a specified number of signatures can be achieved.
26. An issue on a referendum that fails should not be allowed on another referendum for 10 years.
27. Canadians should be allowed a binding referendum to dump the prime minister if enough signatures can be achieved.
28. Politicians whose conduct is under investigation should be sent subpoenas -- not an invitation as Chretien received from the APEC inquiry. Their own appointees should not investigate politicians, who are under investigation because of conflict of interest, whether it is an Ethics Commissioner or an RCMP Commissioner. This is what happened at the Shawinigan shenanigans.
29. The RCMP Commissioner should be appointed by a committee of provincial delegates not the prime minister, who's ethics and criminal activity may be under investigation.
30. The Nation debt -- $600 billion and counting should be reduced to zero.
31. All government budgets should be balanced.
32. The government should have tax-and-expenditure limits. MPs or a prime minister who fail in this category should have their own salaries reduced by a set amount.
33. The Canadian dollar should be par with the US dollar or the US dollar should be adapted as Canadian currency.
34. Mulroney's GST should be cancelled.
35. All taxes should be collected by provincial governments who should then send a cheque to Ottawa to support the much-reduced Ottawa government.
36. Special treatment for special provinces should be abandoned.
37. Canadians need to know the vast number of taxpayer-funded travels of all politicians and bureaucrats outside Canada information now denied.
38. All elected officials in Canada, their appointees and bureaucrats, should only leave Canada for designated and preplanned international conferences -- no more constant junkets that are hidden by the Access Act.
39. The itineraries of politicians should be available to the public at all times.
40. Travel allowances for MPs should only be within Canada and should only include the MP himself. This travel should be at the most economical rate.
41. Canadians should have a flat tax. All Canadians, rich and poor, should be taxed at the same rate.
42. All foreign aid, either loans or grants, should be passed in parliament each time for each and every handout.
43. All grants to special interest groups should be directly through parliament and receive public scrutiny each and every time. All money directed to special foundations in order to indirectly fund special-interest causes, should be brought before parliament.
Reduced Federalism
44. Approximately 90% of the federal civil service should be abandoned or downloaded to provincial governments. The number of MPs should be reduced by 50%. HRDC, CIDA, EDC and the Ministry of Culture should be abolished immediately.
45. The issue of bilingualism, Francophonie and multiculturalism, should be put the people in the form of a binding referendum question.
46. Members of Parliament must be allowed to represent their constituents not the present system where they are merely trained seals in the guise of parliamentarians.
47. All votes in parliament should be free votes. The needs of constituents should be uppermost.
48. Pay and perks of politicians in office should be equal to lower management in the private sector.
49. MPs should be taxed at the same exorbitant level as other Canadians for all income.
Access to Information
50. Canadians should have access to all government information other than restricted defense information.
51. The daily whereabouts of all MPs should be published on the Internet.
52. All foreign travel of all MPs and the reason, should be discussed in parliament.
53. The names of MPs absent from parliament and the reason, should be published each day.
What you see should be what you get
54. The TV camera in Parliament should be allowed to show the whole picture not just the 3 or 4 MPs strategically situated in front and behind the one speaking.
55. A simple and easy amendment formula of the constitution should be worked out 3 provinces 25% of Canadians which cannot be blocked by federal politicians opposed to changes. A mandatory review of the constitution should be held every ten years on a set date.
56. The new and amended Canadian constitution should be put to all Canadians in the form of a binding referendum. The Queen, as in the present Charter, should be told to sign it.
Let me know if you see any of these changes within the next 20 years. I just hope I'm still alive. With a bit of luck I may be.