Sunday, April 17, 2005
Have we gone mentally ill?

Have we Gone Mentally Ill?
James Bredin
Can’t be asked if they are gay or fascist activists
Can’t be asked about fierce feminist abortionists,
Nothing will be debated or questioned or asked,
In the shrouded secret world where all appointments are masked.
You can’t have an independent thought that you might regret,
A status quo politician might think of you as a threat,
Transparency and accountability is not debated,
The media will keep the public semi sedated.
The weekly political scandal has just arrived,
Taxpayers just discovered again that they’ve been deprived,
And they’re going to enforce and impose same-sex stuff soon,
Teach it in the schools by tomorrow or Friday afternoon.
These crazy decisions that come down from up above,
You are forbidden to be disgusted so just think of love,
And if the country is not completely mentally ill,
If you too stick around long enough, you too certainly will.
And referendums and recall have been forever banned,
Except in Quebec where they have a Francophonie band,
And soon they are going to have Referendum Three,
To flee from Ottawa mad bourgeoisie that they see.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Change the Canadian Constitution
Click here for Web Poetry Corner

Change the Constitution Before it gets Rough
James Bredin
The Adscam Inquiry should scream that we need to change,
Soon like tomorrow, as quickly as we can arrange,
To avoid the pitfalls caused by our life-long politicians,
Who wait and delay and claim it’s all caused by conditions.
These reoccurring scandals have long become the norm,
Though every year they claim they’ll get ethics and transform,
And an election will restore all their resolution,
But they always refuse to change the constitution,
Discredited and derailed expectations that have failed,
Free fall opinion polls though no politicians have been jailed,
The writing in the media and on the wall says it all,
It mentions their lack of ethics in a very large scrawl.
They need seven provinces plus half the population,
And Ottawa too wants in, in desperation,
Therefore constitutional changes will never occur,
Because they’ll conceal this and that and fail to concur.
Provinces should be equal with Ottawa now,
Why wait for the next Quebec referendum somehow?
Are we too blind and dumb to see what’s coming down the road?
Can’t read the writing on the wall because it’s in code.
It’s the nature of politicians to never act,
They are programmed to linger and wait and then to react,
But we’ve been tormented by these politicians long enough,
Change the constitution now before it gets rough.
Saturday, April 16, 2005

Change the Constitution Before it gets Rough
James Bredin
The Adscam Inquiry should scream that we need to change,
Soon like tomorrow, as quickly as we can arrange,
To avoid the pitfalls caused by our life-long politicians,
Who wait and delay and claim it’s all caused by conditions.
These reoccurring scandals have long become the norm,
Though every year they claim they’ll get ethics and transform,
And an election will restore all their resolution,
But they always refuse to change the constitution,
Discredited and derailed expectations that have failed,
Free fall opinion polls though no politicians have been jailed,
The writing in the media and on the wall says it all,
It mentions their lack of ethics in a very large scrawl.
They need seven provinces plus half the population,
And Ottawa too wants in, in desperation,
Therefore constitutional changes will never occur,
Because they’ll conceal this and that and fail to concur.
Provinces should be equal with Ottawa now,
Why wait for the next Quebec referendum somehow?
Are we too blind and dumb to see what’s coming down the road?
Can’t read the writing on the wall because it’s in code.
It’s the nature of politicians to never act,
They are programmed to linger and wait and then to react,
But we’ve been tormented by these politicians long enough,
Change the constitution now before it gets rough.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
For You Unilingual Eunuch Bunch

For You Unilingual Eunuch Bunch
James Bredin
We need seven provinces to change the constitution,
Plus we need half the population in this execution,
Plus Ottawa has to get in on the deal that afternoon,
So no changes coming to this status quo real soon.
We’re stuck between this status quo and a real hard place,
They say this is not dictatorship and there is no disgrace,
But he appoints senators and high-court lady judges,
And no questions about feminism nor shady grudges.
Individual Indians on reserves can’t own their land,
And can’t sell their property and told to understand,
But the rest of us don’t have property rights either,
Nor the nerdy nerds who wrote the Charter neither.
It’s hard to believe that this was not all well planned,
Like little communists doing everything on command,
No set election dates, no referendums or recall,
Judicial dictatorship from unquestioned appointees on call.
And you unilingual eunuch better show some respect,
Because multicultural bilingualism is perfect,
Because these adscam socialists might be here to stay,
Better bow towards Ottawa and say “zev ou play.”
Monday, April 11, 2005
Click here for a great Adscam
web site
Monday, April 04, 2005
Terrorists with Canadian Charter Rights

Terrorists With Canadian Charter Rights
James Bredin
Those newly arrived terrorists have Charter rights, you know,
And with lawyers and due process will progress very slow,
All the way to the Supreme Court and it may take years,
No matter how many planes they blew up or how many tears.
Because Charter rights come before potential danger,
Hearings held behind closed doors to keep you out, stranger,
Charter is for “Everyone” and they’re all protected,
Because we pay our share and this treatment is expected.
And this is why more arrive every day on stream,
And we can’t stop them or change this status quo it seems,
Plus Kyoto, United Nations and more human rights stuff,
Here and there and everywhere for terrorist who are rough.
And no one can do this or that or change a thing it seems,
Locked in the system where they refuse to hear our screams,
We the people who want to change and somehow put it right,
Are left to wade in adscam scandals of political plight.
And to distract public attention they point at failed states,
The result of corrupt dictators and how they operate,
Who appoint their friends to be judges in high places,
No questions and decisions on political cases.
Monday, April 04, 2005
[url=]Click here if you have some time to spare[/url]
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Political and Judicial Hypocrisy
Political and Judicial Hypocrisy
James Bredin
Our system of Supreme Court appointees is the worst,
Till they die or turn seventy five whichever comes first,
Dressed up like bishops where no questions are allowed,
Prejudice and vested interests concealed from the crowd.
Allowed to make laws from what they read in the Charter,
Anything that comes into their heads because they’re smarter,
Controversial results about abortions and same-sex stuff,
And the people are obedient and never say, “Enough!”
And this status quo system can never be changed,
Their divine right of kings can never be rearranged,
No questions about connections to feminists or groups,
Their abnormal decisions dumped down on us dupes.
They make and change more laws than parliament every day,
Why do we need politicians when we’re obliged to obey?
And no one complains because of their legal iron glove,
Judicial activism when push comes to shove from above.
And show more respect, you lowly unilingual type,
Listen to the status quo government propaganda hype,
And these appointees make decisions about French in Quebec,
Most prime ministers from there if you care to check.
Judicial dictatorship is our slice of democracy,
Add that to adscam political hypocrisy,
Add that to political correct judicial scheme,
Where international socialists and UN officials beam.
Sunday, April 03, 2005